Friday, November 18, 2011

November Miracle for Me

Could not be more emotional, breathtaking, unique and magical reason for me to start up my blog :)
Help yourself with my HOT news:
A couple of days ago I received three books that I had ordered on * and one of them is Maya Angelou’s book “I Know Why The Caged Bird Sings", which I opened today and guess what the first page surprised me with:
Maria Baker,
Best Wishes for Harmonious Focus,
Joy !
Maya Angelou
 The first thing I did was an immediate call to my friend Nutsa, and although I can’t recall what exactly I was telling her, I clearly remember her words “calm down”, I think I was on the edge of tears. Can anybody imagine what I felt? Please, put yourself in my shoes, feel that totally amazing wave of emotions and enjoy them! Believe me or not the whole evening I was thinking about my life, that I'm not focused on what I really want to do with it and my passion, that I am not in harmony with my inner me and obviously  "best wishes for harmonious focus" was such an important sign and hint for me... Realizing this quite miraculous situation, emotions I experienced at that moment were beyond my power to control and beyond words to express!
What made my emotions double incredible was my recent impression that I got while reading a book by Georgian writer, Dato Turashvili called “ამერიკული ზღაპრები“/”American Fairytales”.  Here’s a copy of small, impressive piece from the book (Georgian version):
“...იმ საღამოს ქალბატონმა მანანამ, რადგან ამდენი მწერალი ჰყავდა სტუმრად, თავისი ამერიკული ცხოვრების დასაწყისიც გაიხსენა ნიუ-იორკში, რომელიც ლიტერატურასთან იყო დაკავშირებული და მიუხედავად იმისა, რომ საერთოდ ბორხესი უფრო უყვარდა, მაშინ მარკესს კითხულობდა.
  იმ პერიოდში კი ისინი ნიუ-იორკში ცხოვრობდნენ, როცა თბილისის ომის შემდეგ საქართველო უამრავმა ადამიანმა დატოვა გასული საუკუნის ოთხმოცდაათიან წლებში და ქალბატონი მანანა (სანამ ამერიკაში თავისი პროფესიით სამსახურს მოძებნიდა), ერთ ოჯახში მუშაობდა. იმ სახლში ერთი მდიდარი და მარტოხელა ქალი ცხოვრობდა, რომელსაც დიდი ბიბლიოთეკა ჰქონდა დიდ ოთახში და ერთხელაც, თაროების დალაგებისას, მანანა ცხაკაიამ მარკესის წიგნი აღმოაჩინა, რომელზეც ავტორის მიძღვნა ამოიკითხა იმ სახლის პატრონისადმი. წარწერაში იმ ქალისადმი ისეთ სითბოსა და სიყვარულს გამოხატავდა დიდი კოლუმბიელი მწერალი, რომ საღამოს შინ დაბრუნებულ დიასახლისს პირდაპირ ჰკითხა ქალბატონმა მანანამ საქმის არსი. იმ ქალმა კი გულგრილად და უყურადღებოდ დახედა წიგნს და ესაო, ჩემი ერთ-ერთი თაყვანისმცემელი იყო ახალგაზრდობაში, მექსიკის დედაქალაქში ყოფნისას გავიცანი და მერე კიდევ კარგა ხანს მაწუხებდაო...”
Dear English readers, I don’t want to translate it word by word (not to be bad in translations and not to spoil author’s style), so I’ll tell you shortly what Georgian text above means: Manana and her family left Georgia and moved to NY in the 90s; she started working for  a single, wealthy lady.  One day, cleaning up the shelves of her rich library, Manana found book by Gabriel Garcia Marquez with author’s autograph addressed to the lady Manana worked for. It reflected such a deep warmth and love, that Manana asked her about the autograph. Indifferently looking at the book she said: he was my admirer/worshiper when I was young, I met him in the capital  of Mexico and he bothered me for quite long time after… 
These story took my breath away! I looked like a cartoon hero with huge eyes :))  I read the same paragraph for four times and made two ambitious wishes (one more ambitious, another less ambitious, I’ll share you them later). Does not it sound quite similar to my today’s story? 
 I believe, emotions/energy I experienced at that moment reading about Marquez were so strong and honest that the kindest Universe gifted me with the same, but more real emotions (good for you dear Universe, keep up the same tune for me). In a word miracles do happen :) And to be very very honest I feel a little bit more closer to Angelou, to my wish (from my long, long wishlist) to meet her, attend her lectures and a little bit more closer to the US :)
 Feels incredible! 
I frankly wish everyone to experience such feelings as often as possible!

My P.S. Acknowledgments:

Thank you Maya Angelou for being generous with autographs… thank you Maria Baker, Thank you for selling your book and making me pale (as my mother said) .  
My THANK YOU goes to my good (too good) friend Nutsa, who advised me to read  this very book by Angelou! I will copy that loveliest page, put in a frame and give to her, to my constant inspirer and my friend since 1994, to my ნუ-ცა :)
I would like to thank Ninucella and her impressions for "making" me buy Hector and the Search for Happiness, by Francois Lelord, because that was the starting point when I decided to order books and big THANK YOU  to her for inspiring me to create my blog :) She has such warm, touching, honest and interesting posts one should  read them all!  
My THANK YOU-s go to my best Yellow Pages' Girl, Sophie Barret for helping me in orders and to my another friend since 1994, Teo (she and her talent can be found here: for helping me in online shopping systems :))

P.P.S Enjoy a bad-quality photo with good-quality essence : proud:

* website suggested by my friend Nutsa; This is the best website for people who wants many, many books at the same time (like me) with less expenses, as website offers cheap (very cheap) used books, plus totally FREE shipping in the US and moreover, it discounts orders 50 cents for every additional book ordered from the same seller.

Thank you for reading and sweet dreams : )


  1. congratulations!!!!

    on the first post, on the first book delivery, on the emotions it gave to you and on something which will change your life. everything happens for a reason, and the reason is that a person should always do something that brings harmony and happiness in his life.

    i'm trying to follow my heart to achieve all that and wish you to be successful in that too.

    ps. apart from the heart, i will now be following you as well. thanks once again for your sweet words!


  2. Awww I hadn't seen this comment and reading it now made me face and heart smile :)

    Thank you for your kind words and wish you to be always open to more and more love and joy in your life!

